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Frolicking | Paris

Children in Paris
Children in Paris
Children in Paris
Children in Paris
Children in Paris
Children in Paris
Children in Paris

For their first week of spring break, the boys enjoyed frolicking around the city under an uncharacteristically warm April in Paris. Excuse my enthusiasm, but the weather was spectacular this past week - sunny seventy degree days! Comfortable enough to keep coats and gloves home, perfect temperatures for running around without breaking a sweat, but still cool under the shade.

What surprised me were the Parisians... as soon as the thermostat hit the low 70s, they shed their coats and so much more. Out came the sandals, short sleeves and summer dresses - it was a stunning show of skin! I think this was a way of exhaling from a long gray winter and because (like we experienced last summer) we don't know how many warm summery days there will be this summer, so take advantage whenever and as soon as you can... Il faut profiter!

As I write this though, Paris has quietly shifted back to cooler slate colored days starting this morning... which makes for a perfect time to change scenery. Ever since Paris became our home base, my family and I have vowed to try and discover other cities around Europe when we got the opportunity, so we'll be heading to Portugal soon.

If you'd like to come exploring with us, I'll be sharing photos on Instagram at @catherine_goron :)


The lovely and talented Adrienne of My Memory Art, who spent 12 years in Paris with her family, recently started posting wonderfully nostalgic photos of her family during their time here. And this has instilled a greater urgency for me capture the precious moments of my family in the city. As a parent, given an opportunity like this for which I am so grateful, I am profoundly compelled...

Lasting Impressions | April in Paris

April in Paris

Sprays of pastel pinks and greens and white blanket the city, and the air seems to carry the promise of infinite possibilities... it's April in Paris, and that, everyone tells me, ça change tout (it changes everything)...


Monsieur Rodin

Paris Rodin Museum
Paris Rodin Museum
Paris Rodin Museum
Paris Rodin Museum
Paris Rodin Museum
Paris Rodin Museum
Paris Rodin Museum
Paris Rodin Museum

If there's one museum I would urge a first-time visitor to see in Paris, it would be the Musée Rodin... the magnificent Hotel Biron (once Rodin's living space and studio) houses a huge permanent collection of Rodin's sculptures and artwork, and the lush outdoor open space allows you to wander leisurely through the grounds where Rodin's sculptures are in an enclosed marbles gallery as well as spread around in monumental format. 

At the moment, Hotel Biron is currently closed for renovation (scheduled to open this year) and the trees inside the sprawling woodland area and the rose gardens are not yet in full bloom, which means I'll have to go back :) The reopening of the museum space is sure to be a grand one, years of work have been done to update and upgrade the space, and little peeks have me itching to be first in line... 


First Signs of Spring | Paris

Paris Spring Jardin des Plantes
Paris Spring Jardin des Plantes
Paris Spring Jardin des Plantes
Paris Spring Jardin des Plantes
Paris Spring Jardin des Plantes
Paris Spring Jardin des Plantes

Bare branches remain along with a slight chill, but the smallest of buds have pushed through and color begins to fill the Jardin des Plantes as Paris tiptoes into Spring. I wish I could bottle up this sunshine... it is the most welcome gift of the season after so many long months of cold and grey. 

How's your Spring coming along?


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